
Langley AFB / Hampton VA

Langley AFB / Hampton VA

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Things on my mind

I hate looking for a job cause its so different now then it was when I was 16. You have to apply online for any job these day's. I want an easy job that is fun. I hated working at sonic 3 years of the 4 that I worked there.

Living so far from my family is hard cause I really miss everyone. I wish I knew when they are willing to come visit. I am going to get a ticket for my sister to come visit cause I really miss you so much and I think that she needs to have a vacation from her busy life. My sister Mary is really my best friend and all I want is for to be happy and I feel like she's not as happy as she could be. I wish that I was closer to my brother but I don't think that's going to happen for a while if ever so oh well. I feel like my mom is not the same anymore. She used to be happy and love to do things and spend time with the family but now that she is in school I feel like she is not always there anymore. I really miss her. I really miss my dad cause after living at home while Matt was in basic I got a lot closer to him and I miss being able to talk to him and playing Age Of Empires with him.

I feel like I am never going to be close to my in-laws but I am getting more and more ok with that. I have done so much for them and given so much. I have tried so hard to become a friend to Matt's sister but I think it's a waist of time now. My cousin Kate said to give it 10 years and things might change. I guess only time will tell.

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