
Langley AFB / Hampton VA

Langley AFB / Hampton VA

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life In Virginia

Matthew and I moved to Hampton Virginia on March 22, 2010 and its been interesting. We spent about 2 weeks in a hotel on the base and on April 10, 2010 we finally moved into our new apartment. This have been crazy so far with Matt working and me being home unpacking and cleaning all the time. It sucks cause we have not made any friends yet so it's a little lonely. I am trying to get my sister to come visit us this summer cause tickets are pretty cheat in May, but she has school so who knows what will happen with that. I have been missing my family a little, but I am trying not to really think about it too much, and not let it bring me down. I wonder what will be happening with the next couple of weeks and months?

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