
Langley AFB / Hampton VA

Langley AFB / Hampton VA

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thing are looking up

My sister Mary is coming to visit the first weekend of June. Matt is starting to get used to working here and is going to try to get E4 early if he can. I have been looking for a job for over a month and I finally got asked to work at Krispy Kreme. No its not a job that brings in a ton of money but I don't mind cause I just wanted to work part time and make a little bit of money. Oh in just a few weeks Matt and I will be celebrating our 1 year wedding anniversary and I am excited about that. Other then that nothing else is really happening.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Back To Normal

Things are starting to get back to normal. I am able to cook and bake again, and Matt's back at work and I'm looking for a job. We still don't have any friends yet, but I know that it's just going to take some time.
My sister is coming to visit this summer and I am so EXCITED. I really miss you and I know she loves traveling. Back in San Antonio my family has been getting lots of visitors, from relatives and it makes me kind of sad cause I wish I could see them.
Well today has been pretty boring cause not much is really going to happen. I am making a creamy lemon pasta with salmon and I just got done making some rice pudding. Mmm I love rice pudding.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Aquarium Pictures

The deck outside of the aquarium

Virgina Beach Trees

In Virginia Beach on our way to the aquarium

A big glowing earth you see when you walk into the aquarium

San Crab

Puffer Fish

Adult Sea Turtle

Baby Sea Turtle

Sea Lion

Matt by the shark tank

Shark Tank


Egyptian Cobra

pretty fish

Komodo Dragon

Stuff in Virgina

Yesterday Matthew and I went to the Virginia Aquarium and it was fun. It was not the best one that I have ever been to but it was ok. There were a ton of kids there, but it was not to bad.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Things on my mind

I hate looking for a job cause its so different now then it was when I was 16. You have to apply online for any job these day's. I want an easy job that is fun. I hated working at sonic 3 years of the 4 that I worked there.

Living so far from my family is hard cause I really miss everyone. I wish I knew when they are willing to come visit. I am going to get a ticket for my sister to come visit cause I really miss you so much and I think that she needs to have a vacation from her busy life. My sister Mary is really my best friend and all I want is for to be happy and I feel like she's not as happy as she could be. I wish that I was closer to my brother but I don't think that's going to happen for a while if ever so oh well. I feel like my mom is not the same anymore. She used to be happy and love to do things and spend time with the family but now that she is in school I feel like she is not always there anymore. I really miss her. I really miss my dad cause after living at home while Matt was in basic I got a lot closer to him and I miss being able to talk to him and playing Age Of Empires with him.

I feel like I am never going to be close to my in-laws but I am getting more and more ok with that. I have done so much for them and given so much. I have tried so hard to become a friend to Matt's sister but I think it's a waist of time now. My cousin Kate said to give it 10 years and things might change. I guess only time will tell.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Its Done

I finally got everything unpacked and put away and I am so excited. Now the only things left to do is find me a job and try to get some family and/or friends to come visit me. Until then I just plan on relaxing and having a little fun.

Our New Home

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life In Virginia

Matthew and I moved to Hampton Virginia on March 22, 2010 and its been interesting. We spent about 2 weeks in a hotel on the base and on April 10, 2010 we finally moved into our new apartment. This have been crazy so far with Matt working and me being home unpacking and cleaning all the time. It sucks cause we have not made any friends yet so it's a little lonely. I am trying to get my sister to come visit us this summer cause tickets are pretty cheat in May, but she has school so who knows what will happen with that. I have been missing my family a little, but I am trying not to really think about it too much, and not let it bring me down. I wonder what will be happening with the next couple of weeks and months?