
Langley AFB / Hampton VA

Langley AFB / Hampton VA

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


the inside of my ice cream cake before i put on the top two layers

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Virginia Weather and more

Ok so I thought that when Matt and I moved to Virgina we would see more rain. Well that's not the case, we have seen so little of it. Everything around us is dead. It has been over 100 for days and the humidity is unbelievable. I never thought that I would miss Texas but right now I do. Living in Virgina has not been so great. I had a terrible time trying to find a job, but i got offered one yesterday to work at the BX over at Langley AFB. I am hoping that everything goes as planned with that so Matt I can live here and not be stuck at home everyday with negative money in our account.
We are trying to plan on going back to San Antonio in October for Matt's 10 year high school reunion and to see family and friends. We have been gone almost a year. So much has happened since May 2009. We got married, moved back to my parents house, Matt went to basic training for 2 months, we moved to San Angelo, and now we are living in Virgina. We should be here for a few years so not much should change for a while. Well we are planning on moving into a cheaper apartment or townhouse in a year when our lease is up to save some extra money. Other then that not much else goes on. We are going to try and see if we can get to D.C. for the 4th of July to spend some time with some friends who live in Maryland, but we are still not quite sure if we will be able to. All I know right now is that Matt has a 4 day weekend.

Army Transportation Museum

Thursday, June 24, 2010